Jesper Gojal Krogsgaard me

Hail, I'm Jespera aka Xanares, an adventurous lad from the dark depth of Jutland who loves games, primarily roleplaying and strategy games. Every Tuesday evening I spend developing Orc Justice, a 4X or slow real time strategy game somewhat in the style of War In Middle Earth by the great Mike Singleton.
I have lived and worked in 8 countries and am never done moving my longboat around. Apart from games, I love History, Sci-fi and Space, Middle Earth, art. My day job is being a QA leader in Streaming.

Game dev stuff I'm doing or did
  • Volunteer weekly event host every Tuesday in the local game dev community in Odense/Funen, DK (since April 2023)
  • Designing and developing Orc Justice a 2D slow-RTS/strategy game in Unity C# where you play the bloodlusty and delightfully chaotic role of an Orc Warboss on a civilisation-colliding mission to establish Orcs as the dominant force in the world.
    • Latest game dev video - first battle and orc settlement - video (~13mb)
    • earlier game dev video - showing world generation in real time - video (~6mb)
  • Feb 2024 - created a video game reel with games in development in our local game dev community - watch it in 4K on Youtube (Made primarily with Kdenlive + Canva)
  • 2016-17 - created Aen-tozon, a scholar of death NPC for Torment: Tides of Numenera as part of a Kickstarter pledge.
  • Mar 2015 - created Copenhagen Gamified v0.3, a map for Cities: Skylines.
  • 1997-2004 - was head of Research Denmark on Championship Manager 2 (seasons 97/98) Championship Manager 3 (seasons 99/00, 00/01, and 01/02) Championship Manager 4 (season 03/04) - data research/entry, test & game balancing, localisation.
  • Modded games like Dwarf Fortress and Hearts of Iron 3 among many others.
Other stuff I've been doing
  • Dec 2023 - created a new timeline for Neal Asher's Polity Universe, mapping his books to it here:
  • Jan 2023 - created an IRC-style chat (check it out here)
Me elsewhere on the interwebs
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6th February 2018

Falcon Heavy's maiden launch from Cape Canaveral.

The twin-landing of the side-boosters.

Mars awaits!

base-animation by Simone Bernabè